Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh taste and see....

Today, I had dinner at a neighboring church. Let's just say whoever cooked the greens should have left them at home. They were horrible. I had to politely spit them out in a napkin and throw away my plate. I guess I shouldn't complain since the meal was free, but I guess that's why they say you get what you pay for. The other food was OK. I stayed for the program a little while and it was nice. But, Lord I was so tired. I came home and crashed. Later on, I went to what was my final Asbury Wesleyan Community event. I had a chance to meet Annabella Aja. She looks like her mother and is just the sweetest little girl.  
I am really behind on my packing. I'm hoping to get it all finished by the end of the week. Pray for me!

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