Monday, June 30, 2008

Excuse me, but I don't care...

Today, I was in a box store trying to get boxes for my upcoming move. All of the sudden, this woman comes up behind me and starts talking. "They are so slow in here. I was here a few days ago and there were two people. They were both blowing up balloons. You would think one of them would wait on people. How many people does it take to blow up balloons?"
Apparently, if there were two of them blowing up the balloons, it takes two people. Then this woman proceeds to tell me about her drunken driving arrest. She was arrested sitting in her living room on Thanksgiving Day. She's fighting it — of course. "How can they arrest me two hours after I get home?" Mildly amused I said "Wow, I don't know how they do that."
Finally she got it ... I didn't care about her DUI or her fighting it. But, if she had had some boxes, it would have been a very pleasant conversation. :-)
Tonight, my evening will be consumed by box hunting. Apparently you can't get a box until after 9. 

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A grateful heart

Sometimes the best thing is not to complain, but to praise God. So, I'm praising God for bringing my great niece through her surgery Sunday. 
I really missed being with my family. When my mom called, I could hear everybody in the background talking and joking. There is something about my family that no matter how tense and crazy things are, there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure what lame-duck Bush is planning to do his last few days in office, but Lord knows some of us would appreciate a little break from high gas prices. It cost me almost $50 to fill up my 11 gallon tank. It used to be I whined when I had to pay $25. I pay twice as much and I'm not sure there is any relief in sight. 
I'm convinced if the politicians had the kinds of salaries everyday people had and didn't live in the bubble of whatever breaks they get, somebody would be doing something about gas prices. I know one of the candidates proposed a gas tax holiday. But, I'm not sure that is the answer. It's like putting a bandage on cancer. We need an intervention that leads to transformation. A battery for electric cars isn't going to do spit for my gas tank and wallet now. People what real answers ... not pie in the sky. That true in politics and religion.
Answers aren't always easy, but somebody needs to at least come up with some.
God thanks for Diamond and taking care of her through her surgery. Amen.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Something about truth

Today, I watched a television program where the people were talking about healing yourself. Much of what they talked about were biblical principles without God. The question I have is: Why do people buy into craziness. When something sounds crazy, it is. Somebody telling you the universe is with you and wants you to be safe is bunch of bunk. Ask Captain Kirk. People have become millionaires spewing this nonsense. Are folks really that easy to dupe? Apparently.
The answer has nothing to do with the universe and everything to do with Jesus.