I guess I'm no prodigal. I don't want to return to my homeland like the young man in the parable after the misspent days of his youth. I didn't exactly misspend all of my days, but I had my moments. I guess since I'm not eating from the pigs trough I'm not likely to try to return to the home of my parents seeking a ring, a place to live and a good meal. Even though my mother provides all of that (minus the ring) during this time of transition.
It is wonderful to be in the car with my mom and to share with her. It has just confirmed what I already knew — I am her favorite.
We have been having a lot of fun. We think alike on a lot of things. We notice some of the same things and sometimes, say the same things. We get to laugh about the same things and are outraged by much the same things. Like what you may ask...
Today, when we were riding back to my grandmother's house, a nicely dressed woman was walking down the street and suddenly, she started scratching her butt. In my mind, I thought, "That lady acts like she's got fleas." A few seconds later my mom says, "Now that lady is dressed all nice scratching her butt like she has lice or something. She should of at least tried to twist a little so she didn't have to scratch." I started laughing. I said, "I wasn't going to say anything. She was scratching like she has fleas."
I guess you had to be there. But it was funny and now I know that I am more like my mother than I like to admit. (There Renee ... you happy?)
Being back in Pittsburgh is like a tale of two cities. Against a backdrop of decay are signs of progress and economic boom. However, the economic boom happens to be sporadic the more you get into the city and the less affluent a neighborhood is. It is really funny to see a house that has wonderful upkeep and could be in the pages of Home and Garden next door to a house that is board up with graffiti all over it.
Then, I'm struck by how the streets are taken care of in the less affluent neighborhoods vs. the affluent neighborhoods. Nothing surprises me, it's just amazing people don't put up more of a fuss.