Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why is progress slow?

OK, maybe it's me who is slow and not progress. But, I'm slowly getting packed. My hope is to be finished by Friday. Think I'll make it? It means I have to let some things go at church, but hey, I'm at the end of the time.
I could complain, but then I would be denying the goodness of God.
I am so grateful for God's faithfulness. It is kind of funny that what I paid almost $700 two months ago, I'm getting for $200 at a different shop. I guess that's the difference when you go to somebody local as opposed to a chain. 
I'm planning my trip to Ohio and it's getting more complicated as the days go on. So here is what I'm doing I'm leaving here, hitting Cincinnati, driving to Columbus, having dinner with a friend, then going to Mount Vernon. I'll leave Mount Vernon Monday morning and head to New York. From New York, I'll return to Ohio, visit Marietta for a day or two, and then head toward Pittsburgh before riding into Baltimore. 
God, thanks for your blessings to me. What I would do without you!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oh taste and see....

Today, I had dinner at a neighboring church. Let's just say whoever cooked the greens should have left them at home. They were horrible. I had to politely spit them out in a napkin and throw away my plate. I guess I shouldn't complain since the meal was free, but I guess that's why they say you get what you pay for. The other food was OK. I stayed for the program a little while and it was nice. But, Lord I was so tired. I came home and crashed. Later on, I went to what was my final Asbury Wesleyan Community event. I had a chance to meet Annabella Aja. She looks like her mother and is just the sweetest little girl.  
I am really behind on my packing. I'm hoping to get it all finished by the end of the week. Pray for me!